Have you ever come across a website and thought it looked nice. Perhaps you were unsure what it was about that website that made it stand out but it just did. Maybe it was the color scheme that went together, maybe it was the way it was laid out. The truth is, there were things that made that website stand out and we are here to give you some examples of what they were so that your website can stand out too. Keep reading as the experts at long island SEO explain what they were.

High Ranking SEO

One thing that may be standing out and you don’t even realize it is the website has high ranking search engine optimization (SEO). This is where your website ranks on sites like Google. If you type in something and their website comes up first or at least near the top, this automatically makes you think a lot better things about that website and about that company. It means the company cares where they are ranked and they take it into their hands in order to rank as high as they possibly can. There are easy things you can do like write at least 300 words on a page, blogging regularly, and having images on a website that will help to increase your SEO but there also are plenty of other things that may be more advanced than you may understand right now. If that’s the case, make sure you bring on an SEO company to assist you with the rest.

Colors are inviting

What colors are you using on your website? Firstly, it’s important to use your branded colors to help your website start having a brand. It’s also important to remember that some colors won’t feel as inviting if you click on the website. For example, a very black website doesn’t have cheerful and welcoming. Blue is a color that is trustworthy in readers minds and is a great color to use. What may look good to you may not look good to everyone else. Try asking a couple of friends or family members if they think the website has a good color scheme to it. Also, make sure the colors you are using go together.

Pictures on each page

People are visual learners and that is one of the reasons why pictures are great on a website. Pictures also bring extra colors to a page and they help to break up the text so it’s not all reading throughout the page. Try and have at least one picture per page. That is typically the header. It’s a good idea to have one other picture throughout the text too. You can incorporate a before and after picture, a picture of your product or services, pictures of staff, a picture of your location, there are so many choices!

About us page

An about us page shows that your business is run by a person. It not only helps build trust with your readers but it helps them want to work with the person that is on that about us page. We recommend having a couple of pictures of yourself or yourself and the family. You can also include different pictures and a quick bio of each of the staff members if you don’t have too many or you don’t have a high turnover rate. This is partly industry specific.

Easy to navigate

A website that is hard to navigate automatically turns people off. This means you want to choose a good theme that lays everything out. Have your menu easy to find and is bolder colors so it stands out. Make sure that no one is ever searching for a section. If so, this can make them miss something and head to another competitors site.

Contact us page

Do you have a contact us page? If not, add one quickly now. You should include your phone number, your location address if you have one, your hours, and contact us box that they can easily use.

Enough information without not being too wordy

Make sure that your website has enough text on it so that people don’t leave the page with having questions. With that said, it’s important it’s not paragraphed after paragraph. In order to do this, you can use different bolded text throughout the page, different font sizes, and even some different colors. This will keep the eye and the reader engaged.

As you can see, there are so many things that can help a website stand out from the crowd. If you already have a website, start going through these recommendations and by the end, you will be love how much better it looks. If you are just starting out, don’t worry. Just keep these recommendations in mind and by the end of creating your website, you will have a website that stands out not only from your competition but online in general. For more tips on making your website stand out or for any website questions, contact us today.