Building a six-figure business requires a lot of work. But you knew that already. Just like many other people out there, you’re probably wondering, how is it done?

Today I am going to take you through four steps that will help you build that six-figure business you have been dreaming about. Maybe you won’t become the next Dan Pena but you will learn a lot about creating your own wealth!

Are you ready? Let’s go!

1. Create your product in a niche market

The key to creating a successful business is understanding that most cool products have already been created. So instead of mulling over coming up with a brilliant idea you can take a product that’s already been created and make it better.

This is where niche markets come into play.

What is a niche market, you may ask?

A niche is a small and targeted piece of the market that you can potentially own. If your niche is well chosen and your product is brilliant in serving your niche’s needs you’ll be positioned strongly!

However, don’t worry if your route is completely different. If you have a brilliant product go ahead and launch that baby! The world does not have a shortage for brilliant ideas.

But just remember the market is saturated with so many wonderful products already, going the niche route could be the best and easiest way to build your six-figure business.

2. Build an audience

After creating your wonderful product who will you be selling it to? As stated already the market is saturated, therefore who will buy your product if not an audience that is loyal to you?

Having an audience is imperative to your success and building an email list is not as hard as you may think it is.

Of course, Social Media and other forms of advertising are important but you can’t control them. However, you can definitely control what happens in your email list.

Everyone has some value to add to other people’s lives and so do you. Yes, you!

The best way to build an email list is to create content that adds value to your audience. You can blog or create free courses and share them with your list through squeeze pages or landing pages on your website.

How did we get to a website? Well in the modern-day and age it’s imperative to have one so people can find you!

3. Choose a good marketing software platform

Choosing a good marketing software platform is really important as this aids you in being able to automate your business.

A tool like is exactly the kind of platform you need for your business before and after you launch and it does not break your bank.

Their plans start at $27 per month and you can do the following:

  • Build funnels in minutes - this would help you immensely in creating your email list. You would be able to build landing pages, squeeze pages, and sales pages too (important for when you start selling)
  • Send unlimited emails - when you’ve created your email list you can host it here and send your list emails from either newsletters or email campaigns.
  • Blog - you can write blogs and publish them from onto your own website. The blogs are easy to create using the intuitive editor.
  • Create online courses - you can create courses and advertise them to your list or on your website.

There are many more features that has on offer but as you can hopefully see a good marketing software helps you a great deal before you launch and after as well.

4. Launch your product

After realizing your niche, creating the best product for it, and also creating an email list that you can sell to, it’s important to launch your business.

Average joes like you and I don’t have the kind of money big businesses like Apple have to advertise their brand and products. We can however make an event out of launching a product or business.

When you have your own audience it is not difficult to advertise to them either through email, social media, and anything else you may utilize to further your reach.

A good launch incorporates a few, really important steps. These include:

  • Hype - creating a buzz around your product gets people talking about it, as a small business owner you can do this in a variety of ways, you can record videos or start an email campaign where at the end of the campaign you make your sale.
  • Creating scarcity - nothing gets people buying faster than an “ends soon” offer. You can utilize it too!
  • Make your sale! - after hyping and brand awareness has been created you can finally make your sale. With all the value you’ve given them why wouldn’t they?

After launching successfully, you can rinse and repeat for the products you want to launch in the future. This way you’ll keep bettering yourself and your brand as you’ll be refining your entire plan over and over!


Building a six-figure business is not as hard as it seems. You just need to remember to choose your niche wisely. It will also probably be something you’re passionate about.

Whoever said business and passion don’t mix?

You also need to build an audience that will stay loyal to you and buy your products. You can do this by adding value to their lives by creating useful content!

A good marketing software can also be the difference between your success and failure because a good one can fully automate your business making your life ten times easier.

Finally, no one will know your product exists if you don’t launch it! Launch that product or business you have been dreaming about and don’t be scared.

Just remember to do it right and you’ll be good to go.

The market may be saturated but who says there aren’t several people who are yearning for the product living in your head right now?

Exactly! No one says that. Launch!