How Android 10 is making your phone more private and secure

Android 10 Is Making Your Phone More Secure, and Here Is How


Some of you might not be aware of the recent changes for Android 10 because of hurricane Dorian beating down the east coast. Late last night, Google introduced a few changes to the Android 10 for the Pixel phones. The new updates are more focused on privacy and security, compared to phones of the past.

1)Restrictions On A Local Level

The way Android used to work is that you had two options for tracking. You could either opt for tracking 24/7 or not at all. That did not please a lot of customers, especially those who were being tracked without their knowledge. Apps have a way of doing that without your knowledge. Yes, the technology is that advanced.

They have now changed the dynamics.

Now, you can opt to have the app track when it is in use. The app will ask you specifically if you want your background tracked. That means you can choose when you want someone to know where you are and when you do not. That goes a long way to help protect someone’s privacy.

According to Google, Apple has advanced things to include the “allow once” option. That is going to make a lot of people, especially when it comes to others snooping when you do not want them too.

2)They Are Tracking You

Technology has become so advanced that others can track you even when you do not want them to. According to Google experts, the new Android 10 cannot hack sensitive information, including the IMEI or the serial number.

It used to be that all the person had to have a connection to the serial number and that was it. Now things have changed. Others will not have access to your IMEI or serial numbers when the tracking is on.

The new version will often place your MAC information into default when you are connected to the wifi. What they do know is make any number more random. That takes away the specificity of the location and information. That should please a lot of people, especially those who value their privacy.

That also means that any sensitive information related to you will be relayed somewhere else. That will minimize the chances of someone spying on you without your knowledge.

Now, that might not possible in a public location, like a library, but you should be okay in your home.

3)The External Stuff

Did you know that Google is also minimizing the risk for someone getting into your external files? A great example is your SD card. Now, others will not have access to files located on your SD card. Now, others will still have access to your media files, including videos and pictures, as long as you opt to share them.

The new changes will also prevent others from jumping in line before the rest of the crowd. The background will run and only display common themes and information. In other words, you do not need to worry about sensitive information being disclosed in the background because the new changes take care of that.


The new app changes allow you to set your preferences. You go into the account settings and tell the app what you want to do. You can choose to be more open or private, depending on your preferences.

Some users do not mind being more open with what they talk about. Others prefer to maintain more of a private flow of information. These new changes allow you to set the tone, which is a far cry from how it used to be.

The Enterprise Section Updated

1) The latest IT changes allows managers to freeze certain information for at least 90 days, maybe more, depending on the app you have. Users can then consolidate files and push them into a new file that is separate from others.

The other great thing is that now the administrators can prevent external files and accounts from being created under an existing account.

An Example

Chad is using his work account to create a file. The new changes will prevent someone from creating a new app under his work-related items. This way Chad will minimize the chances of hackers getting in there and stealing the information.

The new changes also create stronger locks for the app, including case-sensitive passwords to keep outsiders out.

2) Now there are new and stronger device-specific security measures in place. There is a new encryption method called ” Adiantum.” Every device is different, though they might use the same rules.

The new measures will reduce the chances of hackers reading the details as they could before. There is also new and updated TLS 1.3 coding used to prevent hackers from getting into your details, especially when you go from a mobile device to a PC.

One final thing to mention involves the Biometric API, which includes fingerprints and facial recognition. That way only you can get inside.